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Facebook gives advertisers unparalleled options for targeting unique audiences and designing custom ad content for each audience. That being said, building content to accommodate all the different ad sizes across Facebook, Instagram and Messenger can be daunting. Facebook offers a helping hand with its built-in ad automation that can dynamically adjust your creative to fit different placements. However, it’s still best practice to manually design content that’s optimized...

This February, Social Media Week came to Austin for its third and biggest year yet! Social Media Week Austin (SMWATX) brings together marketing, media, and technology professionals from more than 50 countries with a curiosity and passion for new ideas, innovations and emerging trends in social media. Effective Spend’s own Natalia Wulfe and Jared Scott were among the more than 100 speakers on this year’s agenda, which spanned three...

Thanks to machine learning and big data, the accuracy and scope of search engines like Google, Bing, and Pinterest increase literally every day. However, neither Google nor Bing nor Pinterest can read your mind — at least not yet. So, when you want to look up something but you don’t know what to call it, you have to get creative. You cross your fingers and hope that the...
